Get the best out of your body. do more of what you love, longer

Stay healthy, active, and present. With the only longevity supplement blend that fills in the gaps your diet and lifestyle can’t.

Get 20% off Special launch prices

As a species, we are living much longer than ever. But not much better. Not at all. Over the past century we have gained additional years, but not additional life — not life worth living anyway.

David A. Sinclair

Author of “Lifespan: Why We Age — and Why We Don't Have To”


Tap into your full potential

Don't let modern life hold you back from feeling your best.
Rebesana gives you the tools to conquer each day with vitality, strength, and focus.

  • Keep a healthy immune system

    Imagine a life where you can't remember the last time you were too sick to get out of bed.

  • Sustain energy and clarity

    Forget the mid-afternoon slump or feeling like you can't focus on your work.

  • Get consistent restful sleep

    No more tossing and turning. Wake up ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

  • Nourish your body

    Feel lighter and confident in your body, without avoiding your favorite foods.

  • Reclaim your flexibility

    Whether it's hiking, dancing, or playing with your kids, stay active and engaged with life.

  • Radiate confidence and vitality

    Say goodbye to dull, tired-looking skin and hello to a youthful, brighter, glowing you.

  • Restore mental sharpness

    Recall with greater clarity, focus with more precision, and think creatively again.

  • Maintain a healthy heart

    Feel strong, confident, and unstoppable. Enjoy a more active and fulfilling life.

  • Keep your cells young

    Always make sure your cells are working together efficiently to keep you feeling your best.

  • Keep a healthy immune system

    Imagine a life where you can't remember the last time you were too sick to get out of bed.

  • Sustain energy and clarity

    Forget the mid-afternoon slump or feeling like you can't focus on your work.

  • Get consistent restful sleep

    No more tossing and turning. Wake up ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

  • Nourish your body

    Feel lighter and confident in your body, without avoiding your favorite foods.

  • Reclaim your flexibility

    Whether it's hiking, dancing, or playing with your kids, stay active and engaged with life.

  • Radiate confidence and vitality

    Say goodbye to dull, tired-looking skin and hello to a youthful, brighter, glowing you.

  • Restore mental sharpness

    Recall with greater clarity, focus with more precision, and think creatively again.

  • Maintain a healthy heart

    Feel strong, confident, and unstoppable. Enjoy a more active and fulfilling life.

  • Keep your cells young

    Always make sure your cells are working together efficiently to keep you feeling your best.


The building blocks of your longevity journey

While most longevity supplements only provide you with a fraction of what you need, Rebesana covers the full spectrum for a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Here are 5 reasons why:

  • NMN

    Energize your cells and promote longevity 

  • Quercetin

    Fight free radicals and maintain cognitive function

  • Resveratrol

    Keep your heart and brain healthy

  • Berberine

    Support your body's metabolism and energy levels

  • Astragalus

    Promote a healthy stress-response

It's never too lateto start your journey to a younger biological age

The difference is in the details: don't settle for less

We've conducted thorough research and analyzed extensive publications to ensure that you get the best result, safely.

While most other supplements offer reduced and potentially ineffective doses, Rebesana provides you with carefully calibrated amounts of each of the 5 build blocks, to give you the best chance at achieving your health and longevity goals.

Average longevity supplement Rebesana
NMN 125mg 300mg
Quercetin Not included 1000mg
Resveratrol 200mg 750mg
Berberine Not included 1000mg
Astragalus Not included 1500mg

No compromises, crafted with you in mind

Rebesana is free of soy, gluten, dairy, GMO's, colorings, flavorings, and preservatives.

You deserve a supplement that meets the highest quality standards, which is why Rebesana is GMP certified and manufactured in an FDA-registered facility right here in the USA.

Get a product that puts your health and wellness first, without sacrificing purity or effectiveness.

  • No soy

  • No dairy

  • No GMO

  • No colorings

  • No flavorings

  • No preservatives

Start your longevity journey

I started Rebesana several months ago and noticed a difference in my energy level.

More importantly, as a professional golfer, I no longer need anti-inflammatories.

I competed in The Senior Open Championship in 2022 at Gleneagles, and I hope to compete professionally in golf for long as possible.

Gabe Hjertstedt

Two-time PGA Winner & PGA Professional

What really impresses me about Rebesana is that it captures the five most important elements in the current state of longevity supplements backed by hundreds of scientific publications- vivacious, energetic, better sleep, clear-headed and focused.

Randee Kessler, MBA

Certified Health & Wellness Coach

I have tried many longevity products over the years, and this the first combination product with everything I want with the correct dosages.

I started talking Rebesana over five months ago. My energy level is off the charts. I exercise daily and have never felt better. I have not taken an anti-inflammatory in months. I notice the difference in my skin, hair, and fingernails which all glow.

Barbara Marc


  • I started Rebesana several months ago and noticed a difference in my energy level.

    More importantly, as a professional golfer, I no longer need anti-inflammatories.

    I competed in The Senior Open Championship in 2022 at Gleneagles, and I hope to compete professionally in golf for long as possible.

    Gabe Hjertstedt

    Two-time PGA Winner & PGA Professional

  • What really impresses me about Rebesana is that it captures the five most important elements in the current state of longevity supplements backed by hundreds of scientific publications- vivacious, energetic, better sleep, clear-headed and focused.

    Randee Kessler, MBA

    Certified Health & Wellness Coach

  • I have tried many longevity products over the years, and this the first combination product with everything I want with the correct dosages.

    I started talking Rebesana over five months ago. My energy level is off the charts. I exercise daily and have never felt better. I have not taken an anti-inflammatory in months. I notice the difference in my skin, hair, and fingernails which all glow.

    Barbara Marc


The science behind longevity shouldn't be rocket science

Science matters, but so does clarity. Rebesana puts longevity within reach for anyone.

Start now

As we get older, our body experiences changes at the cellular level that can affect our overall health and longevity. Rebesana contains specific components that have been shown to boost the levels of certain proteins in our cells, which help maintain their identity and specialization. Rebesana also helps maintain the length of our telomeres, which are important for healthy cell division.

All of these actions work together to maintain the function of different parts of our body, such as the brain, heart, blood vessels, liver, pancreas, bones, and immune system, promoting a healthier and longer life.

As we go through life, our cells age slowly and it can be influenced by the choices we make every day. Smoking, sun exposure, alcohol consumption, and obesity, all contribute. Each time our cells divide, they have the opportunity to age a little more. But there are steps we can take to slow down this process.

Rebesana helps by removing senescent cells that can damage surrounding ones, increasing NAD+ levels which helps maintain healthy genetic material. It also boosts AMPK activation and encourages autophagy, which helps get rid of harmful substances in our cells, while eliminating free radicals.

At the core of heart and blood vessel health are cellular pathways that must function properly to ensure optimal well-being. Rebesana uses its carefully calibrated formula to promote healthy mitochondrial function, maintain the epigenome, and enhance protein recycling.

With these mechanisms working in harmony, you get powerful antioxidants that are effective in countering free radicals that can cause cellular damage from pollution, sunlight, and metabolism. By including some of the best free radical scavengers and components that stabilize the epigenome, Rebesana supports the health of your heart and blood vessels.

Autophagy is like a cleaning and recycling system for cells, removing waste and toxins that can accumulate over time. The brain cells, in particular, rely on this process to maintain their function, and it becomes increasingly important as we age.

By providing the body with the nutrients it needs to stimulate autophagy pathways and maintain needed protein expression, Rebesana helps to ensure that your brain cells remain healthy and functional. You can be sure that your brain is getting the support it needs to stay sharp and healthy for longer.

As we age, our immune system gets weaker and less effective, and can become stressed by various factors such as toxins, pollutants, and senescent cells. This can lead to fatigue, weakness, and other health problems. Rebesana contains antioxidants and free radical scavengers that help reduce the stress on our immune system and keep it functioning properly.

The constant circulation of these components throughout our body means that our immune system doesn't have to engage as much, freeing up energy for other cellular systems. By giving your immune system a break, we can prevent genetic errors.

Rebesana's components, specifically NMN, have been shown to provide an energy boost to multiple tissues, especially muscles. While another popular NAD+ booster called Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is cheaper and easier to make, Rebesana chose NMN because of its proven effectiveness at lower doses and in all tissues.

This is important because the mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells where energy is produced, have specific Sirtuins (Sirtuins 3,4,5) that are only found there. NMN is the only molecule that has been shown to work in the mitochondrial model, making it the ideal choice for Rebesana.

Longevity isn't a destination, it's a journey

Live a healthier, more fulfilling life - every moment. Start your daily ritual with Rebesana.

  • 1

    Subscribe and get Rebesana delivered to your door every month.

  • 2

    Take 6 tablets per day with your food. Easily split your daily habit into two or three meals.

  • 3

    Get your energy, vitality, confidence,and clarity of mind back. Enjoy every moment.

Start your longevity journey

A team you can trust

Our goal? Making the science of longevity accessible. And its application is possible - for anyone.

  • Carl P. Giordano, MD

    Chief Science Officer

    Double board certified in orthopedics and spine surgery and founder of Educated Life Choices, LLC, a private company devoted to providing the public with current information regarding health and longevity.

  • Yana Goldberg MD

    Medical Advisory Board

    Completed her radiation oncology training at the University of Cincinnati and her medical degree from Drexel University College of Medicine, where she also pursued her internship in internal medicine.

  • Jeffery G Schwartz

    Medical Advisory Board

    Received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. He served his residency in Internal Medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital and completed his cardiology training at Harvard-Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

  • Amit Patel

    Medical Advisory Board

    Head of Advanced vascular Associates. He completed his medical degree at Albert Einstein College of medicine and his residency at the Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein college of medicine.

  • David C Chaikin MD

    Medical Advisory Board

    Completed his residency in Urology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and his fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive. Currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Urology at Weill Cornell Medical College.

  • Dr Knightly

    Medical Advisory Board

    Serves as President at Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists and Altair Health as well as Chief, Department of Neurosurgery, Morristown Medical Center and Vice Chairman, Atlantic Neuroscience Institute.

Your body and mind deserve the best

Support your natural processes. Stay active, healthy, and engaged with life, longer.

Start your longevity journey
Subscribe today, pause or cancel anytime.

Frequently asked questions

Rebesana will work in every cell in your body to promote maintaining cellular identity to slow biological aging—everything we want to live a long, healthy, athletic life. Rebesana will improve energy and work to maintain every organ system in the body: skin, hair, heart, brain, lung, muscle, tendons, joints, maintain the immune system, and blood glucose. Rebesana also promotes the recycling of misfolded proteins, a process called autophagy, provides powerful antioxidants and maintains telomere length.

You may see an increase in energy, endurance, and strength within a few weeks. You may see some weight since Rebesana works on metabolism and maintaining glucose levels. You may see less hair loss daily.

You should not experience any side effects. If you do, you should stop the supplement and consult with your physician

Currently, science indicates that these supplements work best with constant blood levels of these over very long periods of time. Taking them periodically is not expected to provide much benefit. The whole goal of this field of longevity is to introduce antioxidants in your system constantly and constantly introduce the signal molecules to help promote cellular health and help maintain every cell in your body to work as it should.

NMN(nicotinamide mononucleotide), Resveratrol, Quercetin, Berberine, and Astragalus

The doses of Rebesana were not randomly chosen. The doses are based on years of study regarding efficacy and safety. Certain milligram doses of each component must be ingested daily to see the effects we seek. This requires a specific number of pills per day.


The doses are based on years of study regarding efficacy and safety and are supported by historical and published information.

These molecules can degrade with time. Ideally, they will be kept in a dark, cool area. Although they don’t need to be refrigerated, the refrigerator seems ideal for storing them. Certainly, where travel and other conveniences exist, storage in a pill box is fine

Six tablets a day, two with each meal, or three tablets twice a day. For convenience, you can take all six tablets once a day. As these are fat soluble, tablets should be taken with meals or something like yogurt.

Refer to the website.

Science indicates that the trinity towards improving healthspan and lengthening lifespan involves 1) diet, 2) exercise, and 3) specific molecules that work at a cellular level to maintain cellular identity. Rebesana supplies those molecules. Hopefully, your diet is good enough that you are getting all of the vitamins you need through your diet. You should also consider supplementing with vitamin D and B12.

Carl Giordano, MD, an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon with a strong background in applied science, is behind Rebesana. His academic travels have taken him from medical school, the NIH, Rockefeller University, and private practice as a surgeon. He has been keenly interested in lifespan and health span science for decades. This area includes everything from longevity genes, telomeres, blood sugar, lipid, diet, and exercise. Dr. Giordano is looking to bring this information into the public domain via the medical community, where the doctor-patient relationship and trust will provide it the platform it deserves.

Presently the science of healthspan and lifespan is more in the world of science rather than the world of Medicine. Hopefully, your physician is learning more and more about this field. Certainly, feel free to ask if your physician is familiar with signal molecules working at the genetic level to promote a healthier, more athletic life. You should also ask your physician if there are any contraindications for taking this as a supplement.

All of the statements and information on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. If you are suffering from a medical condition, you should consult your doctor or other health care practitioner.